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[Link to same OS device] I purchased it on a cell phone, can I use it on my child’s tablet?All RingoAny apps can be linked on the same OS device. In other words, if the devices you want to use are all Android or iOS, you can link them. However, when purchasing a package (registering a code), the receipt belongs to the relevant Google/Apple account. Log in to the Play Store/App Store on the device you want to link with the Google/Apple account you purchased the package with. You must download the app to connect. Depending on the device, linking may take time, but if it takes more than 1 day, linking can be done by clicking the ‘Purchase Package’ button directly. (Additional purchase If linking is not possible despite this method, please contact KakaoTalk Plus Friend @RingoAni.
[Link to other OS devices] I purchased it on an Android device, can I use it on an iPad?Integration between Android and iOS devices is not possible. If you wish to use it on a different OS device, Each can be purchased individually on the Play Store and App Store. We recommend that you only pay on devices that you will use as often as possible.
[iOS] There is no sound on my iPhone/iPad.For iOS devices, there are several settings related to sound, so be sure to check these. ★ When you swipe down from the top right, there is a bell shape. 1. If you swipe down from the top right corner on the iPad, tools will appear as shown in the attached photo. 2. If the bell-shaped tool is hatched, undo the hatching. 3. In the case of the bell-shaped button, if it is hatched, normal sounds such as YouTube can be heard, but game sounds within the app cannot be heard. ★ If you swipe down from the top right, there is no bell shape. 1. No bell shape when swiping down from the top right 2. Settings > Control Center 3. Add Right Silent Mode as an included item in Control Center 4. A bell shape appears when you swipe down from the top right. 5. Turn off the bell hatch > Sound works normally.
[Subscription] How much does it cost to subscribe to the RingoAni app or make a monthly payment?All of RingoAny's apps are not monthly payment or subscription. It can be used permanently as a one-time full package (or other required package). Even if you don't pay monthly or subscribe, you can use it at a cost-effective price. thank you
I want to make a purchase using my child’s account (kids account). Is this possible?Ringo Annie's app makes it difficult to purchase packages and register codes for kids accounts (under 14 years old). If the account of the device to be used is a kids account, the guardian must briefly log in to the store with an adult account and then Please proceed with purchasing the package after downloading the app. After all downloads and package purchases of the app are completed You can also use it by changing your store account back to Kids. thank you
[Family Library] After purchasing the package, can I share it with my family?Ringo Annie's app is an in-app payment system that does not run after purchase, so the family content library is not supported. Therefore, payment and sharing using family payment methods are not possible. Additionally, payments cannot be made to accounts under the age of 14 (kids accounts). Log in to the device you want to use with your parent's account and download the app. Payment is possible. thank you
[Sharing learning progress] I am trying to link to a new device. Will my previous learning progress be shared?The Lingo Annie app does not share learning progress across devices. Therefore, children can use each device independently on multiple devices.
[Sharing learning progress] What happens to my previous learning progress if I re-download or reset the app?If you reset the device or delete and reinstall the Lingo Annie app, your learning progress will also be reset.
Is it possible to try it before purchasing?All of Lingo Annie's apps (Korean Word Game, English Word Game, Toktok Word Game, First Korean Word Game) can use some content for free after installation. If you are wondering which product is best for your child, we recommend that you purchase the product that best suits your child after experiencing it.
[iOS 환불] 아이폰/아이패드에서 결제했는데 환불하고 싶어요.애플 앱스토어는 구글 플레이스토어와는 다르게 해당 업체에서 환불 처리가 불가능합니다. 따라서 하단의 방법대로 직접 앱스토어에서 환불 신청을 해주셔야 합니다! [애플 웹사이트를 통해 환불하기] 1. 접속 2. 구매한 Apple ID 로그인 3. 무엇을 도와드릴까요? > ‘환불 요청’ 선택 4. 환불 사유 선택 > 환불하고자 하는 상품 선택 후 > ‘제출’ 5. 애플에 연동된 메일로 환불 접수가 되었다는 회신이 오며, 환불까지 시간이 다소 걸릴 수 있으니 참고해주세요. 애플 고객센터 080-333-4000 (오전 9시~오후 10시 / 연중무휴 운영)
[Android Refund] I purchased it on an Android device and would like a refund.In the case of Google Play Store, you will need to confirm your order ID and the name of the app you paid for for a refund. Please tell us the 'name of the app you wish to refund' and 'order ID' through KakaoTalk Plus Friend @LingoAni, and we will notify you of the refund after confirmation. You can check your order ID in your inbox. (Order ID usually consists of GPA.number-number-number-number)
[How to force open] I purchased the package, but I want to learn the spelling after ‘ㄹ’ (a specific spelling).In the case of Hangul word play, since it is aimed at sequential learning, it is designed as a system in which 'ㄹ' must be studied to unlock 'ㅁ'. If you want to learn after a specific spelling, we provide instructions on how to force open it. If you tell Ringo Ani KakaoTalk Plus Friend (@Ringo Ani), ‘I’m curious about how to force the Korean language game to be opened,’ we will help guide you. However, please make sure that parents do this separately so that their children do not learn about it!
[Android] I want to purchase the collection package first.The first payment for Hangul word play can only be made with the consonant package or full package. In the case of the vowel package, payment is only possible for those who purchase the consonant package.
[Package Open] Hangul Word Game, Vowel + Special Consonant Package is not activatedIf a purchaser of Hangul word game consonants purchases a vowel + special consonant (registering a code), the text 'Click here to purchase the package!' in the upper right corner will disappear. If so, your purchase is complete. If it is not such a problem and the vowels + special consonants appear gray, you can continue using it after learning all the relevant content because it is a step-by-step curriculum. If you need to open the content to learn the entire content or a specific spelling, please check the answer to the question about 'How to force open' below.
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